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A must-eat food that will make you enjoy your sleep after eating!

Finding it hard to nod off might be irritating, but it could also threaten your health. A substantial loss of sleep is connected to a decreased life expectancy as well as prevalent chronic ailments. 

Needless to mention, learning strategies to increase your sleep is vital to your health. You may be shocked to hear that what you eat might have a huge influence on this portion of your existenceLet’s have a look at the best things to consume when you want to obtain more and better sleep.

Balsamic vinegar

Nutrients Journal suggests that melatonin can help improve sleep efficiency. What’s more, the study also identified the best sources of this nutrient, one of which was balsamic vinegar. Why not mix up a quick dipping sauce by blending it with some extra virgin olive oil?

Pistachio nuts

Craving a quick snack? Grab a handful of nuts. As you may already know, these treats are rich in healthy fats, but their healthful properties don’t end there. According to Nutrients Journal research, nuts, particularly pistachio nuts, contain substantial quantities of melatonin. Sprinkle them over a salad or eat them on their own!

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