
Breaking News

15 tenants escape death over a 3-story building collapse at Winneba

athree-story building has fallen at Winneba in the Efutu District of the Focal Locale.


Several reports showed that no setback was recorded since all 15 inhabitants of the structure endure the episode and have been represented.

The Winneba Metropolitan Fire Administration Leader DO2 Kwesi Hugues uncovered that, they had a trouble call from certain occupants that a three-story building have imploded on certain inhabitants.

In a series of interview upon meeting with fellow reporters, DO2 Hugues demonstrated, when they rushed to the scene upon alarming calls, every one of the occupants had the option to escape however not a single one of them had the option to get their properties.

He uncovered that primer examinations show that, the structure was constructed in a waterlogged environment while the proprietor neglected to utilize quality materials.

DO2 Hugues accordingly encouraged all Ghanaians to quit purchasing land during the dry season to know the idea of the land.

He also called on Ghanaians to do clear observation before renting a house.

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